Protect Your Garage the Right Way: 2-Day Epoxy vs. 1-Day Polyurea

Garage Floor CoatingEpoxy Flooring

If you’re looking for a garage floor coating service around Long Island, there are several options. You can have the installation process take a single day, or you can have it take two days. At first, it seems obvious. If you could have the job done faster, then why wouldn’t you? Well, that’s a great question! At Timeless Concrete Coatings, we ... Read More

Epoxy Floor Mixology for Beginners

Garage Floor CoatingEpoxy Flooring

From the salty air of the coast to the fluctuating temperatures, Long Island garage floors see their fair share of wear and tear. That’s where epoxy floor coatings come in, providing a durable and long-lasting solution that’s perfect for Long Island living. But the secret to a strong epoxy floor? One of several secrets is the epoxy floor mixology. We'll ... Read More

How Garages Have Changed From Car Storage to Primary Entryways

Garage Floor CoatingEpoxy Flooring

When cars first became popular, garages were simple, detached structures. They were built solely for the purpose of protecting vehicles from the elements. They were often small, just big enough to house a single car, and located away from the main house. As car ownership became more common, the role of garages started to evolve. By the 1970s and 80s, ... Read More

Radon and Moisture: Dangers Lurking in Some Long Island Homes

Garage Floor CoatingEpoxy Flooring, Radon Gas

Most New Yorkers have heard something about the dangers of radon gas in their homes. A lot of us also know that a musty-smelling basement can also come with some risks as well. What do radon and moisture have in common? What are the risks, in no uncertain terms? How can a company like ours help? Here’s a quick, clear ... Read More

Introducing Our Exclusive Flooring Options

Garage Floor CoatingEpoxy Flooring, Garage Floor Coating

We’re thrilled to partner up with, bringing the revolutionary Bagari Stone Effects and Vintage Mica chip blends to the region. These cutting-edge blends are setting a new standard in resinous flooring, offering an unparalleled combination of aesthetic beauty and practical benefits. These exclusive flooring options, crafted with proprietary technology, ensure a one-of-a-kind finish that no other company can replicate. ... Read More